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The Luckless Medallion

The Luckless Medallion

Anyone can be a pirate ... but it takes a special kind of soul to become one of the Pirate Goddess's own chosen Luckless. Her crew may sail under different flags now. They may even be recruited by different captains. But all of them carry a special coin that signifies their loyalty, and their standing within the goddess Lai's own heart.


These coins do not sport Heads or Tails the way another would ... instead, both are etched with symbols of doom. Of disaster. Of luck running out.


Monster, or Misfortune.


Are you being chased by things going wrong your whole life? Is that what led you to the sea? Or do you feel you, personally, are the problem? Are you plagued by monsters, or are you beset by misfortunes?


And ... once you find yourself labelled a Luckless ... which of those two sides of the coin do YOU truly become? Either one is a menace ... but one is capable of slaughter, while another is capable of chaos.


These medallions come in silver or color treated. Color treated varients are one-of-a-kind, with no two completely identical.

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